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Click to fame: Twenty lessons from Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" movie

[Versión en Español]

Last week, my wife and I went to watch the movie: "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D". A good friend recommended the movie and he added: “You must watch this movie. There’s a lot to learn. So, I was ready to take some notes about what I would learn from it, but at the end of the first song I was tapping my feet to the beat of music. In other words, I connected with the movie fast, and in effect, it was a good movie with many things to learn from it.

These are some of the main points I identified in Never Say Never:
  1. You Tube is here as a tool to break barriers to project our talent to the whole world.
  2. We should teach our children the importance of preparation and consistent work. It will be as important as achieving goals.
  3. One of the keys of success is having friends with a mindset of possibilities, who also believe in our dreams.
  4. There will be times when we should take a leap of faith and let others drive us, because we don’t know with certainty the path we are walking on, but others do.
  5. We must consider our team as part of our family, and develop trust, passion and openness with them. No one achieves anything alone, no matter how much talent he/she has.
  6. It is important not to loose the values as we are approaching our goals. At the end, our responsibility is to impact people not only with our talent, but with what we got inside our heart.
  7. We are great when we can encourage others to follow their dreams and believe in their potential.
  8. We should record good times for they’ll be part of our legacy.
  9. We can’t loose sight of the fact that we live in an age when kids spend more time on Internet than on TV.
  10. We should not be disappointed when others reject us, even when they are important people.
  11. A big dream plus a working discipline would let us achieve our objectives.
  12. When we make mistakes we shouldn’t be shattered, but learn from them and keep walking.
  13. Natural is not easy, it requires a lot of work (about Justin’s talent).
  14. We need to expose our talent to other people, and be humble enough to accept corrections. This will be part of the process of being polished. It is necessary to produce an excellent product.
  15. We need to maximize the use of social networks. They are a powerfull weapon to create a community of people with the same interests.
  16. Small acts and details are very powerful to transform lives. When we forget that, it is over.
  17. We need to focus on what’s important. We may run out of options if we make bad choices.
  18. Someone else’s doubts and critics should motivate us to achieve our dreams.
  19. Our circle of trust put into perspective of what we are not seeing.
  20. And, finally, I still got a few years before Paula Anaís (my daughter) becomes a crazy fan of a talented kid. I couldn’t help but think how my reaction would be if I had to be with her in a concert like this.
In summary, Justin Bieber’s movie reminds us that the world changed. It is no longer about having the best agent or the biggest fortune to finance our dream. Nowadays, a video camera, a YouTube and a Twitter account will do it. Publish your passion and the world will judge how far you go. Work hard and your faithful fans will know they have somebody, another human being to be identified with in the process of fighting to reach their dreams.

Question: What did you learn from the Never Say Never movie?
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